Tuesday 25 October 2011


 Lot of people especially fans has been asking where is 9ice and what is he up to,so i decided to find him,and i caught him lol.in this special interview 9ice told me Wat he has been up to and other things you don't know about him....................enjoy
Hello 9ice, how are you doing today?
I’m fine thank you and you?
I’m ok, so what was growing up like?
It’s like every other kid on the street. Hmm, Where you stay in face me and face you house? We live from hand to mouth, it was tough tough, but hmm, we give thanks to almighty God for a better story.
Why music? Why didn’t you choose something else?
Hmm, music because I tried every other thing but music was the last thing and the only thing that was working, that’s why I concentrated on it.
I heard a record of you saying you were studying in LASU, how come?
Well I was studying law and it stopped in year two because I was unable to pay my school fees and apart from that I was the only one who has dread locks.
Did your parents know?
They didn’t know, but they got to know after two or three years in the game.
You started in 2000
I started 1994 but had a professional in 2000.
What would you refer your style of music as?
I would say any fusion of different thing because I have different style if music, in it I have pop, hip hop, free styling so it have different kind of music in it.
I heard your style of music was inspired by your grand mother
Not my style of music but my medium of music, it was inspired by grand mum, I decided to use Yoruba because that’s my mother tongue and that’s what I can use and control well so that’s why I used the language.
What challenges were you confronted with in the industry at the start of your career?
Hmm, so many challenges but the most important was fund because it was something I cannot tell my parents at home so I couldn’t meet them for fund. Also the acceptability, the kind of music we do then was not generally accepted by people. So I intended to do it all alone fend for my yourself and invest what you have, so fund has played a major role in career and in my well being.
So how long have you being into music
I think for 15 years now.
We heard you have two album to release ending of this year, please tell us about them
Yes, Bashorun Gaa and versus, Bashorun Gaa is like mu everyday album that I normally release, it talk about my life and different things happening in the society, versus, because I was trying to… I wanted to bridge the gap between doing pirated songs, you have heard some pirated songs whereby they join P square and 9ice voice together, they just mix it together and people still buy it so I wanted to bridge the gap by doing authentic songs with P square and people can get to buy legally and enjoy the song and have a feel of good music, so that’s why I titled the one ‘’versus’’. A lot of people think it is fight but it’s not fight, it’s me doing a song with every prominent artist in Nigeria, doing a collabo and packaging it as an album and release it into the market.
I heard you are featuring King Sunny Ade, how come
What is your true personality like?
This is me, I am like you, I play game, I play PS 3, I watch movie, and sometimes I just sleep, I like sleeping a lot.
Tell me something about 9ice that everybody doesn’t know
I pick my nose and I bite my finger.
How do you spend your leisure time?
I play PS 3, watching movies.
Do you have a favourite designer?
I like dolce and gabbana, I like Lv, I like Gucci.
Do you party or club a lot?
You can never see me in the club, if you see me in the maybe I have a business doing there, I hate partying, it’s just my person.
What do you cherish most in life?
Hmm, my phone, my children and my personality, you can’t take away my phone from me, you can’t take away my kids from me unless you wanna take away my life.
How do you deal with your fans and all the attention you get in public areas?
You just have to pray to God to guide you, you can’t take the fame like the woman selling goods in the market, she has to sell to in mile 12 or mile 2, she deals with the people so every business, the people come with it.
What inspires you?
It’s the environment, what I see, what I understand and the experience because I like talking about what I know, so I talk about the environment, what I have experienced.
What other passion do you have apart from music?
Still want to finish my law degree which I should be done probably 2012 or 2013, I’m back to school now.
What your vision for Nigeria music industry?
My vision is to have an industry because we don’t have an industry now, we just have people struggling to make ends meet and I hope with God’s support we can have an industry that will be dedicated to the people.
Thank you so much
Thank you doris......smiles*

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reporter ovation magazine, Writer ,blogger ,model and Fashionista. follow me on twitter @dorisdikeocha